Friday, April 17, 2009

Academic Excellence Award 2009 ~ Requested by Tai Yong Yong

The day eventually come.
I am been waiting for sooo long --- Academic Excellence Award 2009
I am one of the recepient of Dean' List Award student.
Okay... i m not shoiwing off ....

So back to the topic.
I was soo happy because can meet Hery and Yeong Ean after soooo long not meeting each other.
and also not to forget my beloved Yong Yong !
This girl ar, from yesterday night aldy sms me asking wat to wear, keep on complaining she got nothing to wear ! haiz...

I decided to skip my block lecture for management, which is quite important because it will be talking abt exam and assignment !
Why i skip ???
to accompany Yong Yong la....
see i sooo good !

However, today is the "Y"-iest day for yong yong,
because of "somebody" !
lol.... dun worry,
as long as u dun appear in tbs anymore than can ady !

Okay, the ceromony start at 4pm,
but we, the recepient must be present at the hall at 3pm.
So, the only thing we can do is keep gossiping. *opps, i ignore yy during d ceromony*
we also play around with the sponsor name, hahha... change name for them !
tooo boring ady !

Finally, the presentation start after the vice president give speech.
It start off with degree book prize award, we the march intake student are the last !
I m sure that this is the first and last time i attend this ceromony because degree subject is sooooo hard !

After that, the Best Student Award for our intake is Yong Lye Kuan !
wu.... so proud of it !
We actually did stand up and clap for her, but our crowd is too little compare to the January intake.

I get RM 300 for Dean List Award.
Quite satisfy with it... hehehe...

Lye Kuan get RM 1200 !!!
because she got
Best Student = RM 500
Dean List = RM 300
4 Book Prize = RM 100 each

but she spend most of it ady cause her parents keep asking her to belanja makan !

Oh... not to forget !
Thanks Tai Yong Yong for sending me home !

*Photo next post*

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