Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New handphone !

Mummy bought me new handphone as my birthday present !!!!

SonyErricson W995 Energetic Red

(photo later la... i m doing this post in college)


Jayden Ang said...

hahhaa.i tink my cousin is using tat phone also....not bad lo..tat one..

^^sally~~;}****hi`hi` said...

quite nice de !
but expensive la ... hehehe..

Kui San:) said...

waaa! seriously damn chun-ted wei your mom! a new handphone for your 18th birthday, that sounds good! ^^

Jayden Ang said...

hahah..nvm lah.ur mum love you mah....I need to go an xi my dad liao..i want a dell laptop ^^V

Sally said...

hahha... go la !
my mum also bought one dell laptop for my brother to go uk de ! LOL
The dell XPS 16 look nice lor ...
go buy that one la... quite good de !! =)