Thursday, September 18, 2008

Newspaper Quiz 2008

Today is the Newspaper Quiz 2008 !

Suprisingly i m one of the finalist !
I dunno why ???

There are 14 finalist in the final round.
But so sad to said that they are only TWO contestant from TBF march intake !

The thing i want to highlight in this event is :-

The emcee make the event very lively and fun !
They are Sin Yee and Alvin !
U guys done a good job !
especially Alvin,
u r just.....

Let me tell us about my feelings.

I know that i din tell the class that i m in the finalist because i dun wan any pressure,
the one who knows i think is Miss Leena !
She ask me try to win the prize.

But i dissapointed her...
because i juz get a consolation prize by not answering any correct answer !

the moment i step into the K-Web,
I m so nervous....
I thought the quiz is juz like the one in the preliminary round !
But is NOOOO.....

We are sit facing the audience !
and we had to choose a number and answer that question !
We had to answer 3 question !

Maybe is juz not my luck today,
because the number i choose is juz...
the answer are juz blank in my mind !

But some are the question are easy !
but was not chosen by me !

For example :

Raja Petra is the editor of __________.

The current price level of petrol is ______.

I dare u know the answer right !

The moment the person answer RM2.90,
i feel like slapping him and he is juz right beside me u know !
Argh !!!!!!!!

Nvm at least i get a Consolation prize right !
My prize is :-

4 coupon of Old Town White Coffee
RM 40 cash

If i dissapointed u..
So sorry....

If u want me belanja u,
dun la...
cash not many leh !

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