Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Long and Boring day

I am wasting my time ...
Today after accounting lecture end,
sujun, xuewei and she wei went home ady !
They skipped the block lecture !!!

Left me alone lor,
i also hope to go back lor,
but i also need to wait my brother untill 5pm ler,
so no choice but to attend the lecture to kill time !

I spent my 4 hours of break at EA just onlining for no reason.
Play pet society ?

I actually wanted to go to the Career and Employment fair 2009,
but no one there to accompany me,
also there is so crowded !
The goodies bag are attracting me !

I'm hungry but i dunno wat to eat...
around 3 o'clock,
i beh tahan ady, so go Old Town to eat Nasi Lemak.
Alone... the feeling is soooo akward and embarrasing !

Finish eating, went to lecture hall,
luckily David and Yuen attend the lecture,
if not.. most probably i will be sleeping inside the hall.

But... this David and Jojin ar..
they went home when the lecturer give break !
luckily Yuen is still there to accompany me !

Today lecture, i think i can absorb better than yesterday.
at least i understand what he is talking !
and today topic is easier i think.

Till then...
one week break is coming soon,
but i dun think is a break to us,
because there is tons of assignment to handed up right after the break end !

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