Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Lots of things happen !

I have not update my blog so many days,
i can the dust ady ...

many things had happen,
let me juz summarise it so that the post will not be so draggy !

Thursday, went to watch Fast and Furious 4 with sujun and xuewei.
The movie is good, but i keep get frighten from the sound effect ! >.<
After movie, take our late lunch at ... err... some sought Ramen restaurant !
Thats all for thursday.

Friday... nothing special...
MidValley plan cancelled !
Went home lor !

Sunday... my worst day of the week !
dun even want to recall it anymore !!!!!!

Monday.... lecture as usual....

Today... most hectic day !
8am - 7pm
yes.... 8am - 7pm !
only 2 hours break !!!

I dun even understand a single word in the block lecture !
the lecturer frm UniSA.... is like... uncle ??
so hard to understand leh !!!

I dunno anyone in my teambuilding group ler !
sad sad sad !

guess thats about my wordy post !
till then !

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